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Kick Off Perugia 16 - 17 Febbraio 2012

"The Industrial Relations in the commerce sector: analysis of organizational models and tools developed by social partners at European and national member States level to guarantee more opportunities to workers and companies".
Budget Heading

Kick - Off Meeting
Perugia, 16th -17th of February 2012

Thursday 16th of February

9.30 - 9.45 Welcome by the President Cristiana Casaioli of the Ente Bilaterale del Terziario. Confirmation of the Agenda and presentation of all the participants.

9.45 - 10.00 Capacity building, EU-Funded Project management and the
European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee for commerce (by Ilaria Savoini - Eurocommerce)

10,00 - 11.00 Partner's presentations and expectations from the project
(10 min. each)
- Ente Bilaterale del Terziario(Italy)
- Confederaciò de Comerc de Catalunya (Spain)
- Labour Institute of GSEE (Greece)
- Latvijas Tirgotàju Asocacija (Latvia)
- Buurtsuper.Be (Belgium)

Notes:(Buurtsuper and Eurocommerce for all business and did not attend but have made available their material)

11.00- 11.15 Policy context
Project's aims and objectives, articulation and expected results. (by Riccardo Trabalza, Coordinator of the project - EBT)

11.45 - 13.00 Presentation of the work programme (conceptual framework, workplan and timetable). (by EBT)
WP1 "Survey on Industrial Relations in European Countries and National trends on collective and/or territorial company's agreements". (by EBT)
Presentation of the working grid and of the other working tool foreseen
(General seminar in Latvia).

14.30 - 15.30 WP2 "Benchmarking and good practices exchange and dialogue platform creation". (by EBT)

15.30- 17.30 WP3 "Management and Evaluation"
Management and financial issues: partner agreement,
Operational and Management plan, Quality Plan. (by EBT)

Administrative issues and State of the Contractualisation. (by EBT)
Friday 17th of February

09.30 - 10.30 WP4 "Dissemination of results"
The project website and the Platform. (by EBT)

10.30-12.30 Planning ahead
General project planning, partners collaboration scheme and identification of synergies between activities
Timetable of forthcoming activities

12.30 End of the meeting.


Latvian Traders’ Association


Ente Bilaterale del Terziario di Perugia by Cristiana Casaioli

Labour Institute of GSEE by Elena Kousta

Eurcommerce by Ilaria Savoini

Confederaciò de Comerc de Catalunya by Miguel Devesa

Buurtsuper by Bart Persoons

Administrative issues by Samanta Ferone

Work Programm by Barbara Coccetta

Policy Contest by Riccardo Trabalza

Ente Bilaterale Territoriale del Terziario Umbria
Tel. +39 075 506 711
Via Settevalli, 320 - 06129 Perugia
codice fiscale: 94048500543